"I just don't really want her to like hate me or have anything against me because of this."A student at Massabesic High School says she was kicked off her Zoom class because she had a Trump flag in the background.
Student says she was removed from Zoom class for having Trump flag
A student at Massabesic High School says she was kicked off her Zoom class because she had a political flag in the background.
6:49 AM · Oct 5, 2020·SocialNewsDesk
similar notable call yesterday. lost in bread war
This is notable
despite anons low energy copy pasta thernovitch twat post
Mother is a legal immigrant from Honduras
Teacher is a lying leftist cunt. Gets caught in one lie starts in on another.
Student in online zoom class
Student answers who do you admire prompt with Donald J Trump
Leftist fag teacher kicks student out of zoom class
Then goes on Anti Trump rant.
student calls mom and says faggot kicked me out
Mom records teacher anti trump rant
Mom then calls fag lying teacher
Teacher then lies ass off not realize mom recording his zoom class
Mom catches teacher in a lie
faggot teacher tells another lie.
Mom being a legal immigrant from Honduras drops truth bombs on lying teacher while recording
>It’s a pattern
>Kusander shouldn’t just be commended for being such a tremendous advocate for her son. Her decision to record the rant and confront the teacher is a masterclass in how to handle these issues. She’s not doing this to get Stanton fired. She just wants him to understand why this is inappropriate so he better handles himself if this happens again.