Anonymous ID: 93e7d5 Oct. 5, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.10931193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Winston Wolkoff sat on these gems from 2018 until she had a tell-all book to sell, releasing them to CNN a month before the presidential election, somehow convinced it improved her credibility as a human being while also eroding the first lady’s. Of course, to everyone outside Manhattan, Winston Wolkoff looks like a silly grifter for recording her close friend, then saving the tapes for a spot on “Anderson Cooper 360″ to peddle a book only made possible by shameless betrayal.

I watched the CNN video of this stupid bitch and Anderson Cooper, and honestly, he looked embarrassed that they were even trying to make this a "thing".

There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with anything she said.

In fact, it made me love her even more…hearing her say "fucking" and getting so pissed made her more NORMAL. And showed us the side of her we never get to see.


So fuck this former "friend" and her betrayal of our beautiful first LADY. Sorry honey, but YOU lose Stephanie. And Karma is more of a cunt than you will ever be.