The amount in which the fake news media has been exposed still hasn't been enough to put the last nail in the coffin. There are masses of people still unconvinced that the MSM is lying through its teeth, 24/7. This is a struggle that will continue for years until they are rounded up and put in jail for sedition. Until then, expect things to be exactly like they are; with nearly half the country still relying on the MSM, and a growing number of people doing their own research.
He is such an insufferable cunt.
Ah, so every Tom, Dick, and Harry is a dexamethasone specialist now?
List of shit that's annoying and contributes absolutely nothing to qresearch:
Schumann Resonance
Comparing ear folds
Claims with no sources
Ah, yes. The already debunked list of names with 0 context behind it. No thanks.
This is a research board. Post your findings, or adrenochrome is nothing more than a story with no evidence. You make the claim, you provide the proof. That's how it works.