Watching them flail about is fucking priceless.
Hi deepstate niggers, WE SEE YOU!
Watching them flail about is fucking priceless.
Hi deepstate niggers, WE SEE YOU!
Muh Bot Bread Puwease bweive us!
Try harder nigger!
Obvious nigger is Obvious!
These niggers did this in the previos bread earlier also.
They can only fill their moldy shit with bot posts and cry each time the legit bread fills up and moves on!
Same shit, different month, different year, different board!
Obvious Nigger is Obvious!
I count Four niggers , must be a slow morning!
Thats why you always failed in school when asked to use an analogy!
You'll never learn faggot!
Baker posts 17 posts in " the other bread"
Nigger, you were outed hours ago, just go away!
Watching newfags deal with moldy breads for the first time.
No Nigger you will keep on with your agenda and We will call your bluff like last month, like last year, like the last board.
You better hope and pray!
Thats all I can say for your pathetic soul!
Nigger baker doesn't even have meme game, and the 3 other lackey's are 1st year newfags!
Oh stop ith your two faced bullshit nigger baker.
You tried this 15 posts ago.
Then a few post later when this bread baker tells you to kill your dumb fuck self you get all pissy and say " war is on"
Then you're right back to this two face shit again!
Coming from faggot posting 31 times about old moldy ass Pelosi info?
You're such a warrior for the cause Holmes.
Notice how you moved right the fuck on along there faggot?
Right back to more Capn Obvious pelosi shit!
No one minute you're confronting the nigger baker, then the next minute you're trying your best to be a Nigger!
It's quite amusing watching you do it!
WHats next the Franklin Scandal and Pelosi drinks too much?