After World War II, encounters took place between humans and extraterrestrial.
These encounters took place several times between the 40s and 60s.
These encounters were psychological tests for humans by different propositions from the same extraterrestrial.
By the tests performed in those meetings it is determined whether we are worthy of independence.
What does independence mean?
In these meetings something was discovered. New communication capability.
These extraterrestrials communicate by telepathy! And they have the ability to transmit thoughts and voices to a person head without sound waves.
But another thing was discovered. A bigger and more significant thing than that.
The ability to control thoughts, to control emotions, to control the physical sensation, to erase memories and to map all the memories of the person being controlled.
In those years of the meetings and after them experiments were .conducted in order to understand this ability
And experiments like the famous MKUltra and Montauk were performed.
But the greatest discovery that has been made is that the human race is actually controlled and governed by the extraterrestrial by these means.
And throughout the history of mankind communication has been carried out by this technology, except for a number of direct encounter events.
Testimonies have been recorded throughout history and written in the Bible, Buddhism and other religions around the world.
And the conclusion is that God is none other than them!
When people around the world report voices in their heads and accuse the government of experimenting on humans it is actually their own sophisticated AI technology.
They perform cruel psychological experiments on people for ages and run the world with unimaginable cruelty.
Brain control allows them to manipulate human perception of how we see and think about them and they make sure we think positive thoughts about them in most cases…