Muh BeBlasio's NYC
This used to be one of the chic''est boutique nabes in the coolest city on the planet.
Muh BeBlasio's NYC
This used to be one of the chic''est boutique nabes in the coolest city on the planet.
wonder if this had something to do with POTUS "covid" move.
like that time he bailed The Tower for Bedminster.
omg kek
suppose there's no fucking virus at all
and it's all in the test kits.
\every fucking weekend it's a like a new version of Lord of the FLies around here.
bakers get all pufed up by the asskissers who swarm this place kissing their asses.
its fucking repuslive don't get anon started
@jack_welch: like that time you handed YER "team" over to that soiboi who took GE down like a ket in a field in pennsylvania on a clear day in September.
A good LEADER can lead a team of misfits to victory by engaging them by THE HEART.
POTUS ought to know dis.