Anonymous ID: 60292e Oct. 5, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.10932965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(LB trips wooooot)


Just to back up Anon, I too have been reading a lot about PCR lately. Essentially that they should never be used in the way they have been used. They amplify trace results to such a high level that it will get a 'hit' on a live virus, a dead virus, a fragment of a virus, etc. You could have a strand of it on your skin or on the lab tech's glove, for example. There is a huge margin of error due to this sensitivity, making for huge false positives, or worse, false negatives. The increased numbers of tests guarantees that a corresponding number of errors get introduced into the daily statistics, which is all that is needed to keep the number of 'cases' climbing for the news cycle.


It is indeed a sick and underhanded plot, it looks like, to make sure the numbers stay fake. Whoever perpetrated this must have known, because the doctors speaking out about it are horrified that it was ever used at all in this situation. Guaranteed to create a panic, in other words.