Anonymous ID: 9f2472 Oct. 5, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.10932870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2892 >>2940 >>2946 >>3024 >>3025 >>3034 >>3065 >>3098 >>3205 >>3302 >>3376



>I think bakers have been comp'ed for a while

have some sauced proofs, anon


I hereby make a claim of /comms/baker subversion

this claim is the foundational reason for the splitting of the bread saturday 10/3

the bread was split for the reason of:

Violation of First Principles


First Principle Violated:

-anons not allowed to bake as anon


Example 1 of Ongoing Issue

/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons

4 /comms/bakers involved in this example (4 unique UID's)

pic related includes 3 of these bakers

would have included 4th but pic related getting too large to digest


Bread #13946

/comms/bakers refuse to handoff to anons

anon wasfirst to offerto take bake

/comms/baker 'be' refuses to pass without qbin pre-verification

/comms/bakers proceed to defend brand new baker hand-off pre-verification procedure that was created by these same /comms/bakers

/comms/bakers require anon to selfdox/namefag in order to bake


since when are anons not allowed to bake as anon?


pic very related


input from anons requested

how does this look to you anons?

easy to understand?

is everything sauced?

UIDs → /comms/baker ID's

too big? (what should be removed?)


At least 2 more examples of the above are being sauced and proofed

will post when done


thank you for (you)r consideration


Anonymous ID: 9f2472 Oct. 5, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.10933065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3076 >>3092 >>3106 >>3128 >>3140 >>3173 >>3268 >>3302 >>3376



holy fuck


so the /comms/ bakers dropped abomb threatin the middle of a bunch of normal text to attempt to fuck over anon bakers?


I saw anons call that out, and notetaker remove


I figured it was one of our run of the mill shills

but fucking /comms/ crew?


dropped a bomb threat

and bragged about it






pic related

Anonymous ID: 9f2472 Oct. 5, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.10933162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3185 >>3205


>I saw no text of a bomb threat in there, want to point it out?

totally agree this sauce is incomplete

but I remember which dough it was in

will be tracking down all relevent posts and screen capping for sauced proofs similar to the others anon has made

Anonymous ID: 9f2472 Oct. 5, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.10933339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3352


>"The ones who "have" the kitchen right now lack basic human decency. they have no honor or a true service ethic, imo. I am ashamed to see what has transpired. But will remain - and do what I can to be of service"

pic related


this is /comms/baker

