Anonymous ID: c12f57 Oct. 5, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.10933021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3205 >>3302 >>3376


San Francisco launches program to pay pregnant women $1,000 per month – only if they’re black, Pacific Islander


San Francisco, CA – In what can only be referred to as a “textbook example” of the dictionary definition of racism, San Francisco’s mayor, London Breed has announced a new city-funded project entitled Abundant Birth Project.


The “Project” has set aside $2.25 million cash payments for women. The payments are $1,000 each and are paid for each of the nine months of pregnancy and the first six months of their baby’s life.


The $15,000 cash stipend will be paid to 150 San Francisco women – on one condition. Your ethnicity must be black or Pacific-Islander. White, Hispanic and Asian-American women need not apply.


And the mayor doesn’t want to stop there. She would like to extend the payments an additional 18 months, for a total of $33,000, which would add $2.7 million to the program.


While part of the funding is reportedly contributed by private donations, the city is reportedly contributing taxpayer money to the program as well.


While they tried to use statistics to justify the program’s exclusion of all but two ethnicities, no amount of bloviating will change the fact that providing money to people simply because of their skin color or ethnicity while denying the same benefits to others, for the sole purpose of theirs, is racial discrimination.


“Providing guaranteed income support to mothers during pregnancy is an innovative and equitable approach that will ease some of the financial stress that all too often keeps women from being able to put their health first,” said Mayor Breed.


“The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap.


Thanks to the work of the many partners involved, we are taking real action to end these disparities and are empowering mothers with the resources they need to have healthy pregnancies and births.”


Go back and read that again. The project is rooted in racial justice.