Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.10935696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5725 >>5855 >>5957 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Vice Adm. Whitesell becomes Navy’s new Air Boss


The Navy has a new Air Boss.


Vice Adm. Kenneth Whitesell took command of Naval Air Forces and Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet, in a ceremony Friday aboard the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, according to a Navy news release. Whitesell had been serving as deputy commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet since July 2019 and succeeded Vice Adm. DeWolfe “Bullet” Miller III, who has now retired.


“It is an honor to become the ninth Air Boss, Whitesell said, according to the release "The list of those who have served under the title of ‘Air Boss’ … remain the titans of naval aviation.”


Whitesell said sailors remain the Navy’s “competitive advantage.” His priority, he said, will be to ensure the naval aviation community continues to focus on “superiority in aerial combat execution and coordination across multiple domains.”


A 1983 graduate of Old Dominion University in Virginia, he then joined the Navy and later graduated the Navy Fighter Weapons School, or TOPGUN. Whitesell started his career flying the F-14 Tomcat and later flew the F/A-18 Super Hornet. He has racked up more than 4,000 flight hours and 1,000 landings aboard aircraft carriers during the course of his career.


He previously served as the commander of Carrier Air Wing 1 aboard the aircraft carrier Enterprise and the commander of Carrier Strike Group 2 aboard the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush. He also was the assistant commander for career management at Navy Personnel Command, before assuming his role at U.S. Pacific Fleet.


Miller, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal during the ceremony, previously served as the Navy’s director of Air Warfare before becoming the Navy’s eighth Air Boss in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.10935710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5725 >>5957 >>5971 >>6044 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Federal Court Says Trump's Law Enforcement Commission Violates Federal Law


The "rule of law" Administration is at it again. Ignoring the rule of law by ignoring applicable laws, the Administration decided to cozy up with law enforcement agencies while pretending to be serving the public. (h/t ProPublica)


Formed by executive order, the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice was formed by the DOJ. The Commission promised to tackle several important issues, including the handling of mental illnesses, substance abuse, and homelessness. It would supposedly seek input from education, employment, and mental health services to tackle these problems.


More problematically, the Commission thought it needed to address this perceived "problem:"


What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?


The answer would have been immediately apparent if the Commission had asked anyone else but law enforcement agencies to participate. But it didn't. And now a federal court has found that the Administration violated federal law by forming a one-sided commission unlikely to fairly address any of the issues in front of it. Here's how the court describes the President's new Commission en route to finding it broke the law. From the opinion [PDF]:


The Attorney General stressed the need to hear from “[a] diversity of backgrounds and perspectives” such as “community organizations, civic leadership, civil rights and victim’s rights organizations, criminal defense attorneys, academia, social service organizations, and other entities that regularly interact with American law enforcement.” Despite these stated goals, however, the Commission’s membership consists entirely of current and former law enforcement officials. No Commissioner has a criminal defense, civil rights, or community organization background. And Commission proceedings have been far from transparent. Especially in 2020, when racial justice and civil rights issues involving law enforcement have erupted across the nation, one may legitimately question whether it is sound policy to have a group with little diversity of experience examine, behind closed doors, the sensitive issues facing law enforcement and the criminal justice system in America today.


This one-sided panel does not comply with federal law. Nor does its closed-door meetings, which ignore transparency mandates. Here are the requirements of the law that governs the Administration's law enforcement commission:


Passed in 1972, FACA [Federal Advisory Committee Act] requires, among other things, that covered federal advisory committees be “fairly balanced” in the viewpoints represented, that meetings be open and publicly noticed, that a charter be prepared and filed, and that a designated federal officer be appointed to ensure compliance with FACA.


But that's not what happened. After saying some nice things about "diverse viewpoints," Attorney General Bill Barr stocked the commission with 18 former or current law enforcement officials. Barr then unilaterally decided this commission didn't need to comply with federal law.


Further, the memorandum noted, “[t]he Commission serves exclusively to advise the Attorney General and the President” and “is not intended to be subject to either the Federal Advisory Committee Act or Administrative Procedure Act.”


Another brief nod towards transparency was made by the Commission – a nod that was made even briefer by the Commission shortly after it pretended to care about the public's opinion.


In February 2020, the Commission posted a notice on its website offering interested members of the public the opportunity to submit comments through May 31, 2020 regarding any aspect of the Commission’s work. But at some point between March 13 and March 28, the Commission shortened the comment window by two months, requiring all submissions by March 31, 2020, without posting notice in the Federal Register.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.10935735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5821 >>5957 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Cambodia denies that demolition of US-funded facility is to make way for Chinese naval base plans


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Cambodia’s government on Monday officially denied suggestions that its demolition of a U.S.-funded facility at one of its naval bases is a signal that China will be granted basing privileges there, saying the work only involves planned infrastructure improvements.


The statement by the National Committee for Maritime Security was in response to recent media reports highlighting new concerns over China’s suspected plans for Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base on the Gulf of Thailand. The stories were based on satellite photos showing the demolished facility and statements from Cambodian officials.


The committee said its Tactical Command Headquarters, “an operational unit responsible for implementing multi-agency law enforcement” in cooperation with the United States and Australia, had been a temporary structure, and plans were begun in late 2017 to relocate it.


It said the existing facility was too small and lacked docking facilities, with limited capacity for training and other activities, so a larger facility was being established at a new location, with no change in function or relationships with foreign partners.


China is Cambodia’s closest political ally and main source of economic support, through aid and investment.


Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen declared in June that China has not been given exclusive rights to use the base, while also saying that warships from all nations, including the United States, are welcome to dock there. He pointed out that Cambodia’s Constitution does not allow foreign military bases to be established on its soil.


The Wall Street Journal reported last year that an early draft of a reputed agreement seen by U.S. officials would allow China 30-year use of the Ream base, where it would be able to post military personnel, store weapons and berth warships.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.10935755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5821 >>5957 >>5977 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Life on the Streets: A Cop Confesses What Policing Is Like in the Age of BLM/Antifa


I write this op-ed, or rant, under an assumed name. I do so because otherwise, I’m subject to being fired for violating department policy or, at the very least, suspended for a time and then transferred to the crappiest assignment they can think up for me. Not to mention I have a family to support.


I purged my Facebook friends and ultimately decided to deactivate the account because the temptation to educate someone after a few drinks can be too tempting — and not worth it in the long run. I created a Twitter account under my alternate identity to again protect myself.


What I was sold during police recruitment is not what I bought.


I’m a police officer in a major American city. Many of you reading this have seen a movie or TV show set in this city. Some of you have vacationed here. We have a big problem with poverty, unemployment, people scamming the welfare system, drugs, and violent crime.


Honestly, though, who I am and where I work isn’t important—what I stand for is. I show up every day I’m scheduled to work, on time, and I work. I don’t hang out at the station, I handle calls for service and I constantly back up other officers. I quickly progressed to different specialized units and, over time, even began to help out at the academy and became a Field Training Officer.


But after a couple of high-profile incidents where suspects wound up dead, we were essentially told to stop pursuing the bad guys: Too much liability for the city. So, if a violent felon who shot someone last week is spotted and you know it’s him? Depending on the ranking officer working, you’re most likely not going to be allowed to go get him.


“Oh hey, have you done your monthly training that came out two days ago yet? Can you ‘make time’ and get it done early so it doesn’t affect our audit numbers?” How does one “make time”? That’s some mealy-mouthed corporate speak. Am I supposed to conjure up an extra hour? How??! When??!? There’s calls holding right now and the lazy officers you know (who do nothing and brass accept it for whatever reason) aren’t going to pick up the slack.


Call someone out on being a worthless lazy officer? Is that worthless lazy officer a lieutenant’s mistress?! You just earned yourself a transfer to night watch in some outpost no one wants to work.


In every major city there’s a punishment assignment. Everyone who’s ever been a city cop knows this to be true.


After a while, that same lazy officer who’s been sitting in that same lieutenant’s lap, or who’s never really done anything noteworthy, except maybe they went to the right school or are in the right clique, they now have time on the job and they take the sergeants test. They pass and, if your department doesn’t go straight down the list, they’re now a supervisor! Newer officers have no idea they’re working for someone who’s telling them someone else’s war stories or making themselves seem more important than they really were in the situation.


Roll call training is all about administrative work and checking boxes off for monthly audits. We barely talk about that stolen silver SUV that is absolutely raping us nightly with auto burglaries. Oh, and since our policies are out there for anyone to read (including the bad guys) in the “interest of transparency,” they know we can’t pursue them for a property crime once they blow the red light at the intersection after we light them up and they flee. Never mind the fact that that stolen SUV is occupied by a wanted felon for armed robber in possession of a stolen AK-47. It’s just a property crime, right? No big deal. If they t-bone a family of four and kill someone, the fleeing felon isn’t at fault. I am.


“Hey, I hate to be a pain, but is that monthly training done yet? Also, in the face of a global pandemic we need to limit your exposure to the public…. but can you tell me why you haven’t been doing as many traffic stops?!?”


That’s the internal. Let’s talk external.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10935788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5821 >>5957 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Fed Study: How We Made The Top 10% Richer Than Ever


Every three years, the Federal Reserve releases a study on consumer finances that is a stockpile of data on everything from household net worth to incomes. The 2019 Fed survey confirms statements I have made previously regarding how the Fed’s monetary interventions made the top 10% more prosperous than ever. They just left the vast majority of Americans behind.


While we will address the statistical data, there is also the anecdotal evidence that supports this thesis. Since 2008 there have been rising calls for socialistic policies such as universal basic incomes, increased social welfare, and even a two-time candidate for President who was an admitted socialist. Such things would not occur if “prosperity” was flourishing within the economy.

Fed Or Growth


“The disparity between the Fed’s interventions, the stock market, and the real economy has become abundantly clear. For 90% of Americans, there has not been, nor will there be, any economic recovery.”


Stocks Are Not The Economy


Take a close look at the chart above.


Companies derive their revenue from the consumption of goods, products, and services they produce. It is logical that stock price appreciation, over the long-term, has roughly equated to economic growth. However, that relationship has become unhinged since the financial crisis due to the Fed’s interventions and suppressed interest rates.


From Jan 1st, 2009 through the end of July, the stock market has risen by an astounding 203% or roughly 18% annualized. With such a large gain in the financial markets, there should be a commensurate growth rate in the economy.


After 4-massive Federal Reserve driven “Quantitative Easing” programs, a maturity extension program, bailouts of TARP, TGLP, TGLF, etc., HAMP, HARP, direct bailouts of Bear Stearns, AIG, GM, bank supports, etc., all of which totaled more than $36 Trillion, cumulative real economic growth was just 21.35% (We have assumed a 32% increase in GDP for Q3-2020)


While monetary interventions are supposed to be supporting economic growth through increases in consumer confidence, the outcome has been quite different.

Top 10% Or Bust


Not really. As noted by the WSJ previously:


“As of December 2019—before the shutdowns—households in the bottom 20% of incomes had seen their financial assets, such as money in the bank, stock and bond investments or retirement funds, fall by 34% since the end of the 2007-09 recession, according to Fed data adjusted for inflation. Those in the middle of the income distribution have seen just 4% growth.” – WSJ



Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:33 p.m. No.10935830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853 >>5943 >>5957 >>6172 >>6201 >>6339 >>6368

Top Aides Accuse Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Of Bribery, Abuse Of Power


Multiple staff members accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of bribery and abuse of power in a letter Thursday, the Austin American Statesman reported.


The letter, signed by seven staff members, was addressed to the human resources director in Paxton’s office. Though it does not outline any specific allegations against Paxton, the letter does claim that Paxton has “violated federal and/or state law, including prohibitions relating to improper influence, abuse of office, bribery, and other potential criminal offenses,” according to the American-Statesman.


Lawyers for the letter’s signees also allege that Paxton used his office to benefit one of his donors, The Houston Chronicle reported.


Paxton’s office denied the charges against him, saying that the accusers were trying to upend an ongoing investigation into other employees within the agency.


“The complaint against Attorney General Paxton was done to impede an ongoing investigation into criminal wrongdoing by public officials including employees of this office. Making false claims is a very serious matter and we plan to investigate this to the fullest extent of the law,” Paxton’s office told the American-Statesman.


This is not Paxton’s first legal controversy as Texas’s attorney general. He was indicted in 2015 just months into his first term for felony securities fraud, a case that has not yet gone to trial, according to The Washington Post.


The letter was signed by Jeffrey C. Mateer, Paxton’s first assistant, and six other deputy attorneys general, the Post reported. The allegations surround Nate Paul, a Paxton donor who gave $25,000 to his campaign who has been the target of FBI raids, according to The Houston Chronicle.


In response to the allegations, the Democratic Attorneys General Association called for Paxton’s resignation, calling him “an embarrassment and a danger” in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.10935852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943 >>5957 >>6069 >>6172

“Ban All Comments” to Protect the Jewish Information Monopoly


AFTER DECADES of monopolizing nearly every form of mass communication, the Jewish-run left (and the Jewish-run Kosher right) found its information cartel under siege with the new freedoms enabled by the free-wheeling Internet. Voices previously blacklisted from the mainstream could now reach large audiences and quickly became a severe threat to the narrative.


It wouldn’t take long before the Jewish power structure called for censoring or banning anyone to the right of communism (or non-kosher rightist voices) under the guise of protecting us from “hate speech” and “misinformation.” Now their Orwellian censorship crusade has set its sights on the next frontier: ban all comments.


Recently, Yahoo replaced its comment section with the following disclaimer:


Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting[.]


This new policy is hardly surprising. Yahoo is well known for publishing headlines that do not accurately represent the story. Beneath the misleading title, the article is often a sloppy summary of the event, written by an overeducated twenty-something who took a break from writing about Kim Kardashian’s lip care routine to inform us on political matters within the tight and ever-changing strictures of Jewish control.


After suffering through the unpalatable article, the payoff often was within the comment section, which can sometimes serve as a refuge where truth prevails in the form of thousands of comments eviscerating the fake news above.


This humiliating saga for Yahoo went on for years. Finally, they’ve had enough.


What’s the point of publishing propaganda if anyone can scroll to the comment section and find the author’s misleading representation of the story, or deliberate omission of facts, exposed?


This mission to ban comments is not new, but Yahoo joining the boycott is revealing.


A few years ago, major publishers like ESPN didn’t appreciate what they found in their comment section. For ESPN and many other major Web sites, the problem was anonymity.


The solution was requiring a Facebook login to comment on articles. This way, people will think twice about posting “hate speech” in comment sections if they are no longer anonymous. To ESPN’s surprise, attaching identities before commenting did not stop the barrage of ridicule toward ESPN for its partisan politics, support of Colin Kaepernick, and nauseating coverage of Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe award for courage.


The disdain for ESPN kept showing up within its comment sections, triggering ESPN to delete them altogether. Many other Web sites followed.


Fake news is all in vain if John and Jane Doe from Milwaukee can quickly dismantle its work in a few sentences. Now comment sections are becoming endangered species.

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.10935901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5943 >>5957 >>6172 >>6339 >>6368

Live Updates: NATO Secretary-General Says There's No Military Solution to Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict


A fresh round of hostilities in the Armenian-dominated Nagorno-Karabakh region, a self-proclaimed republic that declared independence from then Soviet Azerbaijan in the 1990s, broke out slightly over a week ago when Yerevan and Baku accused each other of violating the ceasefire and carrying out provocations along the line of contact.


The fresh tensions between Armenia, the unrecognised Republic of Artsakh (Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh), and Azerbaijan have shown no signs of abating as it's been eight days since new clashes erupted in the region.


The international community, including the co-chairs of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Minsk Group – Russia, France, and the United States – have called on all parties in the conflict to agree to a ceasefire and begin peace talks, so far to no avail. Both sides have reported multiple casualties, including among civilians.


The Armenian side has said that Yerevan is ready to work with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe to re-establish a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, however, the Azerbaijani president has warned that Baku will use military means to resolve the issue if the negotiations are fruitless, stressing that the country must restore its "integrity".

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.10936205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6250 >>6355 >>6368



The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is 501(c)(3) non-profit think tank and policy institute and registered lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C., United States.


Its political leanings have been described variously as nonpartisan, hawkish, and neoconservative. FDD holds events throughout the year, including its annual Washington Forum, briefings on Capitol Hill, expert roundtables for public officials, diplomats, and military officers, book releases, and panel discussions and debates within the policy community.


FDD publishes research on foreign policy and security issues, focusing on subjects such as nuclear-non proliferation, cyber threats, sanctions, illicit finance, and policy surrounding North Korea, Iran, Russia, the war in Afghanistan, and other areas of study.


FDD has been identified as part of the Israel lobby in the United States by several scholarly sources.




In early 2001, a tightly knit group of Jewish billionaire conceived of a plan to win American sympathy for Israel's response to the Palestinian intifada. They believed that the Palestinian cause was finding too much support within crucial segments of the American public, particularly within the media and on college campuses, so they set up an organization, Emet: An Educational Initiative, Inc., to offer Israel the kind of PR that the Israeli government seemed unable to provide itself.

At first, Emet floundered, without an executive director or a well-defined mission. But that changed after Sept. 11, and Emet changed too, into what is now the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. The name is different, but the goal of influencing America's opinion-forming classes remains.

What makes all of this possible is the support the foundation receives from its billionaire backers. Its nearly $3 million annual budget comes from 27 major donors, most of whom are members of "the Study Group"–also sometimes called the "Mega Group" a semi-formal organization of major wealthy Jewish who meet twice a year to discuss joint projects.

Leonard Abramson was the point man for establishing Emet. He, Michael Steinhardt, and Edgar Bronfman were the foundation's board of directors at the time of its incorporation in the spring of 2001.




FDD was founded shortly after 9/11. In the initial documents filed for tax-exempt status in Internal Revenue Service, the FDD stated its mission "was to provide education to enhance Israel's image in North America and the public's understanding of issues affecting Israeli-Arab relations". Later documents described the mission as "to conduct research and provide education on international terrorism and related issues".


On its website, FDD describes itself as a "a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)3 policy institute", with focus "on foreign policy and national security that combines policy research, democracy and counterterrorism education, strategic communications and investigative journalism in support of its mission to promote pluralism, defend democratic values and fight the ideologies that drive terrorism".


FDD has been identified as part of the Israel lobby in the United States by several scholarly sources. Sima Vaknin-Gil, Director General of Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs, had stated that the FDD works in conjunction with Israeli government, in particular the ministry she works for. Later documents described the mission as "to conduct research and provide education on international terrorism and related issues".


On 15 November 2019, FDD was finally officially registered as a lobby under Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.—foundation-for-the-defense-of-democracies

Anonymous ID: 4791d2 Oct. 5, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.10936271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6324 >>6339 >>6368

With President Trump at Walter Reed, Biden Tells Florida Crowd to Fantasize About Trump Being Delivered a Death Blow


Joe Biden traveled to South Florida on Monday to pander to the Latino community.


Biden gave a speech at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex and told the crowd to fantasize about President Trump being delivered a final death blow on election eve.


“Think about this, wouldn’t it be an irony, the irony of all ironies, if on election eve, patience delivered a coup de grâce in this election,” said Biden as President Trump is at Walter Reed Medical Center.


President Trump was transported to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on Friday and spent the weekend being treated for Covid-19.


Joe Biden has told reporters that he doesn’t want to attack President Trump while he’s in the hospital, but here he is today telling Haitians to fantasize about Trump being delivered a death blow.