Anonymous ID: e05ba7 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.10936022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6116

Anybody bring up a possible connection between Comey's brother redesigning FBI HQ while he was director and POTUS wanting a totally NEW FBI HQ?


‘‘Peter Comey redesigned the FBI building.’’ Well, that is interesting. ‘‘FBI Director James Comey grew up in the New Jersey suburbs with his brother Peter.’’ Anyway, interesting. How about that. Peter Comey redesigned the FBI building, according to the article. ‘‘Procon Consulting’s client list includes ‘FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.’ ‘‘So what did Procon Consulting do for FBI headquarters? Quite a bit, apparently. According to the firm’s records: Procon provided strategic project management for the consolidation of over 11,000 FBI personnel into one, high security, facility.’’






Why Does Trump Want a New FBI Headquarters?

The president’s proposal would leave the bureau with a more expensive, less secure facility. Who benefits?

July 30, 2020, 8:00 AM EDT


Amid the $1 trillion in new spending Republicans offered in their coronavirus stimulus package this week was an oddity: In addition to funding for unemployment insurance and small-business loans, the proposal would appropriate $1.75 billion to build a new headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington. Asked why such a measure was included in a pandemic-relief bill, Republican senators suffered a collective loss of memory.


It was included because the White House insisted. Since taking office, President Donald Trump has expressed a keen interest in the FBI’s accommodations. In 2017, his administration scrapped a plan to move the headquarters to a campus in Maryland or Virginia, and then proposed a new building on the existing site.


By all accounts, the bureau’s current headquarters — the J. Edgar Hoover building on Pennsylvania Avenue — isn’t the answer. A report in 2011 found that it was deteriorating, inadequate for the bureau’s staffing needs, and, for a variety of reasons, a security risk. It’s also hideous, by the way.






‘I Just Don’t Get It’: Republicans Balk at Funding F.B.I. Building in Virus Bill

Another chapter in President Trump’s quest to shape the future of the J. Edgar Hoover Building seemed over as Republicans distanced themselves from the administration’s $1.75 billion demand.

July 28, 2020


WASHINGTON — Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Senate majority leader, looked startled on Monday when first asked why Republicans had agreed to a White House demand that $1.75 billion for a new F.B.I. building be tucked into their emergency coronavirus relief bill.


Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the chairman of the Appropriations Committee, framed the item as a Trump administration priority, not a Republican one. Other Republicans were more blunt.


“I don’t know — that makes no sense to me” said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a close ally of President Trump’s. “I’d be fine, OK, with stripping it out.”


By Tuesday afternoon, another chapter in Mr. Trump’s long, strange and, to his critics, ethically questionable odyssey to personally shape the future of the J. Edgar Hoover Building seemed headed to a close as Republicans distanced themselves from key elements of their own coronavirus relief bill.


Senate leaders went so far as to say they hoped the administration’s bid to fund the construction of a new F.B.I. building would ultimately be discarded from a final agreement, with Mr. McConnell backing away from the idea, calling that provision, along with some others proposed by Democrats, “non-germane.”




What was built into or under that building, anons?

Anonymous ID: e05ba7 Oct. 5, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.10936155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6166


Kek! To be fair, he probably had better care than most would get…been in a hospital lately? Doctors and nurses almost always presume to know your body better than you do unless you set them straight. But POTUS can do that more easily than the average civvie, I'd guess. He controls things after all kek…




>Bill Clinton - Eagle

Didn't Tapper post an Evergreen tweet one day too?

Anonymous ID: e05ba7 Oct. 5, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.10936347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(You)'s from eBot are more interesting than your shit, Fungus.


Neighbor down the street put up a huge Trump banner on his house last week, next door neighbor just hung a flag out yesterday…didn't happen 4 years ago in my heavily blue city. Winning is as contagious as the poison ivy rash, I guess kek!