@Jack Dorsey, communist domestic terrorism, Twitter, child rape, human trafficking, TWTR shareholders defrauded
That and also because counterintel is one of the most pozzed groups with traitors.
>not smart
Fresh start. At last the Japanese people will have the burden of fraudulent fiat stagnation held over their head.
Adding the h was (((a trick))), it's PITTSBURG.
>follow this e-celeb anon
>repeat mistake of babyboomers and talmudvision goy
Fuck off nigger.
The animation has to be faster. Most people who see it will move on before it makes its point about degenerate leftists being habitual rapists.
Include more detail in your summary text.
>King William
Fuck that nigger. Will's a faggot don't give him the dignity of a title traitor.
I'm convinced, it's Pittsburgh.
Smells like larp.
You're trash kys nigger.
Gulf War syndrome was said by Cody Snodgres to be similar secret testing on US troops. He said the medical files proving it were stored at OKC federal building and that's one of the reasons the Criminal Cabal elements in the Federal gov bombed it.
I usuall sniff out larpers immediately but Cody seems legit. Any anons know if I'm wrong?
This. They are highly vulnerable to RICO.
I like your stroke.
It's highly illegal. The USA for sale.
No we do it and FF ops are deactivated all the time.
This. They are the bane of culture, not the source of it.
If we expose the criminals before they act, they usually don't act. That's good because we're winning, so we need to maintain order.
FFS that attention to detail is admirable.
Better idea, you kill yourself today.
>t.beta kike orbiter