I'm confused, I thought I was talking about Kushner being the Antichrist actually being a misdirection
Give me the Solid Dick, anon: is she a he?
Long story short I believe Satan exists. Hillary is his pawn (or sucker)
The stuff about Podesta being into ETs is interesting though isn't it? I mean he has that dude from Blink 182 into it as well. They're buddies like Pode is with Colbert.
You could trace that way before the idea of Baphomet as well
What are you racist against Iranians?
What does this mean
Deep cover. That's not a euphemism. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T SUICIDE ME
I like Burt Bacharach too
That's what actual filtering looks like anon KEK
It's happening
Out of all the spam, I'll take Owen Wilson shit any day
Does that make you horny?
Turn me on dead man