Anonymous ID: e339d6 Oct. 6, 2020, 2:08 a.m. No.10943586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3610

Recall the recent thank you video with President Trump thanking the hospital and staff and complementing them in glowing terms.


(video embedded)


Imagine him taking a couple days away from the White House and meeting with (how can I say …) high-ranking patriot advisors and then expressing his feelings about the meeting and his appreciation for their expertise and fine work in the "real school" he just visited.


I am not saying that's what just happened during his time away from the WH; I just think it may be worthwhile to swish the thought around in the mind a bit.


Maybe he was trolling the opposition in parts of the video?

Anonymous ID: e339d6 Oct. 6, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.10944187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A list of recent breads baked by the comms crew with a link to the of thelist of what they found notable in each of the breads. All links are external to this page.


Also included two specific notables.


#13999: Anti-Fragile Things that Gain From Disorder Edition

#13998: POTUS Rose On The Third Day Edition - >>10943206

#13997: Anons Make The Call Edition - 10942397

.... >>10942188 Mitch McConnell said the hearing would be in a hybrid format

.... Election prediction map v1 by a man very successful at this in 2016 -


#13996 Anons doin the do Edition - >>10941741

#13995 Anons on the job Edition - >>10940695

#13994: Anons Win Again Edition - >>10941640

#13993: President Donald Captain America Trump Edition - >>10939098

Anonymous ID: e339d6 Oct. 6, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.10945235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5855

Reposting from the late night/early morning hours of a day or two ago …


The Effects of the Current qresearch Board Situation, IMHO


Discourages mature participation - or even visiting - qresearch. Qresearch becomes unwieldly, chaotic, and even more challenging to navigate.


Destroys confidence in the boards owner and bakers.


Divides the participants into factions. (Attacks unity)


Detracts from the stated intention of the board.


Invites an increasing number of childish, ugly, obscene or irrational postings.


Gives, directly or indirectly, those attacking the "Qanon community" ammunition for their attacks.


Stirs up negative emotional responses (as opposed to rational) in those visiting and/or posting.


Just some thoughts …

Anonymous ID: e339d6 Oct. 6, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.10945855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6474



PLEASE post elsewhere


such things as


Breaking news of death of a British actor, or photos from celebrity rags of him or others.


Most "Breaking News," in fact. This bread does not aim to be a news aggregator or to reprint their stuff.


LISTS of links to posts from other breads, unless requested by the baker.


Reporting of emerging details and claims in the years-old exposing of the Coup plot, unless it's a dig with context and telling why its important.


Reports of MSM lies and other crap. We get it. Some of us for decades already. It's what they do.


Inarticulate expressions of disgust or dissatisfaction with the work of other anons. Try to write like a grownup or use graphics that haven't been posted to death.


Judging by the content of posts in the fast moving breads, all these types of things are welcome there and may even rise to the status of notable. Post it here and you will likely be regarded as an agent of disruption, divisiveness and mental poisoning.


Please! Be your best. Try to help the president in his work.


Try to help make Qresearch a better place.

