I'd laugh me ass off if they started using PGP to encrypt their comms.
Reposting in a bread with eyes..
Did any other Mainefags get a ballot like this with Biden at the top and Trump at the bottom?
They should have multiple versions with the candidates in different orders. But if they'll ALL like this then I'm gonna declare low-grade fuckery.
>Its alphabetical order. All of it.
and i can't even spell 'Do'h' right today/
I don't buy it. It doesn't sound like them. It isn't something they would do.
But the good news is that this nonsense will come to an end one way of the other. If it's real then they get reamed by the FBI. If it's an OSS fabrication then OSS gets reamed by the FBI for wasting their time.
ABFL is still AFBL. He doesn't have to still use the name.
Slapping Prince around for these past few days has been fun. But I think it's time to put the ''BakerWars'' stuff on inst-filter and get back to research.