Katie Couric imploding last bread…Jake Tapper also reached new TDS levels today.
>a lot can happen in 29 days
Yes. POTUS doesn't like to lose…I can see him releasing his own October surprise to blow Dems out of the water before election.
4 flags = 4 more years. kek
not even with your dick
you just read it backwards and found some hidden meaning, didn't you?
POTUS appointed her for a reason. We just don't know what that reason is.
I honestly think this is what dems are trying to prevent. They know Joe doesn't have a legitimate chance. Their efforts to cheat serve only to mitigate their loss.
>There is NO WAY he's just left this re-election all to chance. Something is coming.
>'Bigger than you can imagine' begs the question: How big is your imagination?
yup, and it's going to be much more than "they spied on my last campaign". Media is going to go apeshit.