Tell us about how raw your ass is
Instead of posting shit we have already seen
Perhaps CM was informed to let things play out
That certain links were being established to
map out a chain of command
But you knew that already - did you not
No You can not have it - and throwing a temper tantrum will get you nowhere
If you care not for CM and the way he runs things
Guess What ? ……….. You can Leave
Here's an idea for you to try - Stop Bitching and adapt to finding the notables for yourself
Ya Lazy Turd - your momma is probably not smart enough to do it for you
Them push button transmissions sure made a mess when they blew up
But I must read your bitching thread after THREAD
Who the hell are you OSS - IP hopping SOB
You lost so go fap yourself idiot
The baker on duty is doing fine
I can post and you can post
without any hindering at all
AND that spin off THREAD
sputtered to a HALT
The ONE that OSS said HE was RUNNING
Used my own eyes to gain this info
Yeah that OSS wanted his FAME and now he has it
Last time I looked OSS was down on thread 992
You can hop back down there and lick his ass
since you are so keen on protecting him
Hint He does have a case of the raw ass
Lick slowly with lots of saliva
Now did your main squeeze show you how to do that
You silly muther fucker he ain't here running the bread to protect your ass
The only thing that has been left behind was that thread #13992
The poor baker of that one could not get enough posts to half fill it
The Baker here has filled several threads since then smoothe as silk
Fond of this post
I have tried to be extremely gentile to him
Don't want to make him cry - he is close ya know
Well he did want to be like "Prince" toward the end of his reign over comms
But I am attracted to the Old Shit part of his new title
Very Fitting ………….KeK
>>OSS is BO is everyone
Laughing my ass off - done been reduced to green letters only
Weak as goat piss leader - KeKing Heavy KeK
Do not try any stinking blocking games with me
Hell I love the blocking game
Problem is I will not stop playing after everyone else has grown tired of playing
For Hundreds of threads I will play and never tire