Anonymous ID: 32b4de Oct. 6, 2020, 12:07 a.m. No.10943059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3082


These guys could improve technically, but their messaging, workmanship, and presentation really bring it. (I can't really say I'm a fan of any currently "big" popular musicians except Kanye, but many have technical skills. I think.)

I think the same goes for many anons who do visual work. I've got a huge collection of memes that I've collected from anons who are much better than me (I think maybe I've seen two of my memes get reposted by others here - still learning). But I think that many who do memelike stuff might be doing so much more visually.

I'll explain where I'm coming from. In the past year I attended an art auction at a church. It was a suburban church that I'd guess had maybe 50% Trump voters (many "shy" Trumpers, I suspect). The artworks were of many styles, with some religiously themed, of course, but also many other themes, and most were TECHNICALLY quite good, with expected prices into the thousands, and many buyers. But the actual CONTENT was extremely paltry, and couldn't compare with the memes I find in a RANDOM QR bread.

This is somewhat wordy, but I guess I'm saying we all need to THINK BIG. And KEEP working to get there. Even when we WIN. Don't get tired of winning.