this dough is bullshit. I want a current dough. what the fuck is this?
thank you whoever this is.. this is getting retarded now.. at least the comms faggots kept a dough…
shill answer too? I've read the dough since cbts. this is bullshit bro. baker is whack as fuck. Been on going. They should let someone who actually knows how the fuck to bake do it. Don't care who.
Just not this new stupid muhanon fag circle jerk.. Someone fucking real.
gaslighting is for shills.
typing like. is tpying like. So if it isn't oss.. they wouldn't give a shit.
do they give a shit?
don't forget claiming proxy ownership of the image by claiming a side on anything while creating a pattern, either.
They namefagged.. to go after name fags.
they know that the reason breads area ll fucked up now is because the deep state loves injecting drama to disrupt things.
They hadn't fucked with the bakers for a while so it was time.
Hurr… Durr…
that may or may not be true, but this anon knows the disruption was timed, because of 3 years of patterns.
Now is the best time for board drama, if you are deep state.
And when Who screams the loudest?
Is forgotten.. then you get exactly whats gone on for 3 weeks now.
Matter of fact, I'm going to start famefagging just like OSS!
If they can get away with it, I can too!
We should all make ourselves know like oss, and start calling out every miniscule piece of fuckery we find.
none of them matter. OSS is a shit stirrer though who got his notoriety.
The idea of a famefag "showing anons something" is so fake and gay.
OSS deserved the cock meme
Well, his point was to throw a bomb in right before the election push… so yeah, I gues sit worked for someone ;p
you can post at your self mr weaksauce. the oss op opened up an interesting can of worms.
your patterns are very strong and the graphic was already picked apart so enjoy your 15 in the movie o7
that's the other part of the pattern.. you just have to taste the sauce anon.. I'm not your maid!
maybe your projections tell anon more about you, than they do about others?
But keep doing the pattern, that's on you.
<what I want you to see
Projections are for idiots, mkay fag?
Keep bagging yourself as true arrogance.