Maybe that just makes them suspect to niggers? Glow little worm….glow.
The solution to this is so simple. Filter the bakers — all bakers until this shit ends. The breads are full of totally unconnected copy pasta, 2/3rds of all posts are these morans calling each other shill/nigger/jew/clown. What research is being done is being drowned out by all the middle school gaga.
Filter the bakers, and filter their TYB sycophants. What's still worthwhile is easier to find and makes the board 89% less faggot.
I say burn the kitchen down. If you're too lazy to determine what is notable to you, and keep your own archives, you don't belong here. No names + no egos = no bullshit. It's just that simple. If the board can't adapt to this threat it doesn't deserve to exist anymore.