I hear you Anon. I too have lost many friends and am constantly ridiculed by my family. I can’t even count how many times I have been told that I shouldn’t be saying something, that I am being too forceful. I sickens me that so many remain willfully blind to what is going in.
I am with you Fren. We westerners need to stick together and, if/when necessary, fight together. My family escaped eastern European communism as have many of my friends.
We are all in this together Anon. I can only hope that many more Canadians are awake than we know.
I have been trying to wake people since the beginning of all this. I have lost many friends and family throughout this. It has been very challenging and disheartening seeing people clinging to what they think is real. So many want to keep their rose-colored glasses on. It is sad.
I have met quite a few Anons over the past few years and those numbers are growing. I can only hope our numbers are big enough to make an effective stand against what is coming for us.
Albertans are waking up, but in spite of everything that we have been through, there are many that are still asleep.
And fresh water Anon….
I hope you are right Anon. It is getting very scary and unnerving.
I am not sure there are any true white hats in Canada, especially in positions of power. If there are any, they have't made themselves clearly known at this point.
In the West, there is the Buffalo Project, a political action committee that is focused on the interests of the West, particularly AB and SK, but they are federalists for the most part.
In this Anons opinion, the secession of AB and other western provinces may be the only way forward. There is a massive political divide between east and west; a divide that I think is becoming more and more impossible to bridge.