Anonymous ID: 3aa237 April 18, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.1094836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4865




(((clowns))) and their puppets are eating each other.


Comey Calls McCabe A Liar, McCabe's Attorney Fires Back




"A massive battle is brewing between former FBI Director James Comey, and his deputy Andy McCabe - as first noted a few weeks ago by the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross - over exactly who is lying about Comey knowing that McCabe had been leaking self-serving information to the Wall Street Journal.


Comey stopped by ABC's The View to peddle his new book, A Higher Royalty Loyalty, where he called his former Deputy Andrew McCabe a liar, and admitted that he "ordered the report" which found McCabe guilty of leaking to the press and then lying under oath about it, several times.


Comey was asked by host Megan McCain how he thought the public was supposed to have "confidence" in the FBI amid revelations that McCabe lied about the leak.


“It’s not okay. The McCabe case illustrates what an organization committed to the truth looks like,” Comey said. “I ordered that investigation.”


Comey then appeared to try and frame McCabe as a "good person" despite all the lying.


“Good people lie. I think I’m a good person, where I have lied,” Comey said. “I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person but the inspector general found he lied,” noting that there are "severe consequences" within the DOJ for doing so."


Comey has turned on Mccabe.




shill puppet comey and mccabe. BOTH SPY.


Understand the comms here.


Intel community does not refer to one of your own as 'spy', unless it is jokingly used by someone else aka POTUS.


'spy' is the enemy hostile.


'agent' is the friendly.


'asset' are the pieces on the board.


(((SPIES))) in our midst = MCCABE and COMEY, HRC, HUSSEIN.


Setting the stage to put them all in Gitmo.




BREAK THE MSM, as Q asked us. STAY on TARGET.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 3aa237 April 18, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.1094875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4911



Stupid kike clown niggers are high on their own bullshit anticipating false flags any time.


Hostile enemy combatants.




Killing and neutralizing active (((shill))) teams should be part of the war effort, I believe. Plans should be drawn up.


These are isis manufacturing mudlsime importing, disgusting interracial porn filming, human trafficking pedophile rape gang enabling (((subhuman scum))).


Bullet in the head is too good of an end for these criminal scum.

Anonymous ID: 3aa237 April 18, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.1095008   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"fast and furious" holder should be hanging from a tree, in pieces. That fucking nigger don't get the world ain't black panther (((puppet))) friendly world.


Domestic racially motivated terrorist, just like blm, la raza.


PSA on (((shills))):


(((shills/useful idiots))) ID'd and summarized for anon targeting convenience:


>83c22a ←–kike enabling (((useful idiot))) bitch cuck faggot who thinks it can lecture 8ch on the jewish question like some liberal faggot.


>414b80 ←–dumbass kike forgot to tag posts. Cant post muh armenians anymore, got new batch of fag clown pics.


>fb7960 ←— fucking newbie slide (((jidf)))


Keeping it all updated.