Stephanie Clifford's porn star name is Stormy Daniels. Need to change to Smarmy Daniels Definition of Smarmy
1: revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness
2: of low sleazy taste or quality
Stephanie Clifford's porn star name is Stormy Daniels. Need to change to Smarmy Daniels Definition of Smarmy
1: revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness
2: of low sleazy taste or quality
She's like a mosquito in your room, buzzing around your ear in order to kill your buzz. Buzz off Bitch!
I wonder how many quarters will fit in her snatch?
Need to reinflate those droopers back to 32psi. Can't do nothin with the cottage cheese legs.