In a recent letter found on Marco Tosatti ‘s blog, Archbishop Viganò writes:
“In recent days it has been reported in the news that the Jesuits in America have received grants of nearly two million dollars (over four years) from George Soros, and it seems that the same agreement between the Holy See and the Chinese Communist regime has been financed by large annual donations from Beijing to the Vatican coffers that are in a disastrous state. The fact that the Church fell prostrate before the lockdown, suspending liturgical celebrations and closing churches all over the world, has led to considerable collateral economic damage, for which Chinese donations and the lucrative business of welcoming immigrants represent an obvious compensation.
“The United States is witnessing the highest levels and centers of cultural influence of the American Catholic Church shamelessly siding in favor of the Democratic candidate and more generally in favor of the entire apparatus that has been consolidating in recent decades within the public administration. The Deep State, Trump’s sworn enemy, is joined by a Deep Church that spares no criticisms and accusations against the incumbent President while winking indecorously with Biden and BLM, slavishly following the narration imposed by the mainstream. It matters little that Trump is openly pro-life and defends the non-negotiable principles that the Democrats have renounced – the important thing is to transform the Catholic Church into the spiritual arm of the New World Order, so as to have an imprimatur from the highest moral authority in the world, something that was impossible with Benedict XVI.
There’s a lot to unpack here. The first show-stopper in this letter is that Archbishop Viganò implies that China paid the Vatican to make sure that every diocese in the world followed the covid-lockdown: “The fact that the Church fell prostrate before the lockdown, suspending liturgical celebrations and closing churches all over the world, has led to considerable collateral economic damage, for which Chinese donations and the lucrative business of welcoming immigrants represent an obvious compensation.” This is clearly in the same paragraph above where Viganò puts Soros, the Jesuits and China on the same global team together. Viganò echos the news that the American Jesuits have received $4M from Soros.
Secondly, AB. Viganò (who used to be the Nuncio to the United States from the Vatican) remarks in the above link that more of the US hierarchy is publicly siding with Biden than with Trump, despite the latter being pro-life. In fact, Viganò goes so far as to link Biden’s “Deep State” to his liberal Catholic roots in the “Deep Church.” This may be connected to the fact that pro-abortion globalist Jeffrey Sachs has been a welcome guest in the Vatican many times. He was welcomed in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020.