Anonymous ID: dbc8b8 Oct. 6, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.10953325   🗄️.is 🔗kun


crotch talk and evoke the name of . . .

triggered me to trigger you.

you have no idea what a creep you sound like to someone over the age of 40.

seriously, you don't need to be crotch oriented here at all, it's so inappropirte.

and the first two lines of your stupid post triggered me. In my notes I said: trigger the triggerer.


I'm all for intimacy and appropriate affection.

not with stranger in an anonymous caht.

it's only serves as a distraction.

it proves you to be a manipulator.

and that's just sad, cause then there is no way for me to get to know you without thinking that there is basically something very wrong with you.

so I say to you: yo have no need to bring it here.

and certianly don't do what hte prayer/porn people do.

cause that 's probalby the main reason I decided to post to you, they are so vile I would never post to them

Anonymous ID: dbc8b8 Oct. 6, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.10953656   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anon, there is no way for you to know who that is. sometimes anonymous advice is worth heeding.

'stay in character' is a meaningless idea when applied to someone who isn't putting on an act, and doing a LARP.