DOS 3.2
refund DOD with interest for thta and it would bankrupt the rocky feller.
DOD should demand a refund , plus interst, for all microsoft software.
discard the discord
it's a tired ploy, and no one cares.
we don't buy it.
and we have the goods on why it's fake-n-gha-aye.
so just stop.
explain yourself.
I have no 'time in' anything that you would have any part of.
I percieve this as a threat.
clear yourname.
these DOJ people do the 10 to 4 life, days off , Friday afternoon gone.
why not do the New Conference at
drum roll
11 PM EST Tue Oct 6, ie right now?
oh, because they live the life of leisure.
and they wonder why History wants to erase the deep state.
we are at a crisis period, and they wait 12 hours so they can . . .
still waiting for your explanation to the creepy seemingly threatening post.
It's ok if you say 'oh, I tagged you by accident'
fortunately enough know that their word game playing is a fraud.
they are the model for the 'poison narrative' that shows up in counter culture film of the 1960s.