Anonymous ID: 861672 Oct. 6, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.10956088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6116 >>6127 >>6209 >>6266 >>6298 >>6457 >>6573 >>6690 >>6718

Bill Gates Contradicts Trump, Says Wealthy West Won't Get 'Back To Normal' Until Late 2021


Bill Gates sat down with WSJ Editor in Chief Matt Murray for a virtual chat during the paper's CEO Council, part of the paper's nascent push into conferences and events.


This, of course, is just the latest installment in Bill Gates' campaign to convince western governments to essentially "step up" and finance a global mandatory vaccination campaign, something that would cost trillions of dollars, given the 7 billion-plus people in the world.


And he doesn't hold back: Gates acknowledged that Western countries are "far ahead" of Russia and China when it comes to developing and testing various vaccine candidates - though China seems to draw nearer by the day - and if the leading candidates prove successful and win their FDA emergency approvals before year-end, the west could see life return to 'some semblance of normal' by the second half of next year.


"By late next year you can have things going back pretty close to normal - that's the best case," Gates said. "We still don't know whether these vaccines will succeed," Gates said. "Now the capacity will take time to ramp up. And so the allocation within the US, and between the U.S. and other countries will be a very top point of contention."


Of course, Gates's timeline is even longer than that unfurled by the Trump Administration and its top officials who have said a mass-produced vaccine could be ready by the beginning of Q2, suggesting vaccination campaigns could be well underway by the start of next summer.


All this remains to be seen, however.


Western companies are "far ahead" of their foreign competitors, and Gates predicted that Chinese and Russian vaccines likely wouldn't be widely used in the West. Though, to be fair, Russia and China are already striking deals with countries to partner and produce doses as countries like India scramble to get their hands on a vaccine as quickly as possible.


"The one Russian construct and six of the Chinese constructs are perfectly valid constructs actually with some similarities to what the Western companies are doing, but the Western companies are further ahead on doing these phase three studies," Gates said.


As he typically does, Gates took a minute to plug CEPI, the coalition for epidemic preparedness and innovations.


The conversation soon turned to another one of Bill Gates's favorite topics: the obligation of social media companies to combat "misinformation", like the idea that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab.


There's a difference between claims that are deliberately "false and misleading" and the theory that the virus was either released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Biosafety Level 4 lab located a short distance from the market initially touted as 'ground zero' for the virus. US intelligence has lent some credence to the theory. So has a Chinese scientist who escaped to the West with claims that she has 'proof' that the virus was created in a lab.

Anonymous ID: 861672 Oct. 6, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.10956102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6158 >>6224 >>6266 >>6457 >>6573 >>6690 >>6718

CAUGHT: Mad Maxine Waters Caught in Public Without Mask After Lecturing the Rubes on Wearing Masks


For months far left Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) lectured Americans on wearing masks.

She condemned Herman Cain after his death.


She demanded everyone wear a mask whenever they left their home.


Now this week Mad Maxine was caught outside without a face mask.

Masks are only for the little people.


Via Jason Giandomenico via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

Anonymous ID: 861672 Oct. 6, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.10956117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6150 >>6247 >>6266 >>6368 >>6396 >>6452 >>6457 >>6573 >>6690 >>6718

Susan Rice: Trump ‘Literally Doesn’t Give a Damn About Anybody’ — ‘Doesn’t Care Who He Infects’


Former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice said on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Situation Room” that President Donald Trump didn’t “care who he infects,” with coronavirus.


Rice said, “Let’s start with the people around him, whose job it is to help do the nation’s business on a daily basis. He could care less about his top advisers, his staff, not to mention the household staff and the ushers and the butlers and the housekeepers and Secret Service. All of these people doing their utmost in the most trying circumstances to serve this man and this country, to whatever effect, he could care less about them. He doesn’t seem very bothered about the effect most of the joint chiefs are now quarantined because, you know, one of the vice chiefs came into the White House earlier in the week and caught COVID because the White House is, guess what, Wolf? The nation’s business hot spot right now for the coronavirus.”


Anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “As you know, the White House is still refusing to tell the American people when the president last tested negative for the virus. Today, we have learned they are even refusing contact tracing help from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All of that makes it tough to know who else might have been exposed last week. It was reckless what was going on clearly in the Rose Garden with the announcement of the Supreme Court Nominee, and we saw what happened there. How reckless from your perspective as a former national security adviser is all of this? ”


Rice said, “I mind-boggling in its callousness and recklessness. We never in my memory have we had a president of the United States who literally doesn’t give a damn about anybody around him, perhaps about himself, at least his health, he seems to care about power and wealth. It’s just unbelievable. He doesn’t care who he infects. He doesn’t care what this does for our economy now that he is, you know, completely thrown the white flag on trying to get new stimulus package and COVID legislation through. He doesn’t care about the American people. It’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Anonymous ID: 861672 Oct. 6, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.10956334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6457 >>6573 >>6690 >>6718

Left’s Response To Trump’s ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ Tweet Emphasizes How Very Much They Want Fear


We can't have people prudent about COVID, or rational about COVID, or thoughtful, or courageous about COVID. That does not produce the social outcomes that these people want. Being scared of COVID does.


In a Monday tweet celebrating his release from the hospital after testing positive for COVID-19, President Trump wrote: “Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!” He followed it with this similarly upbeat video statement:


Trump’s statement is the stuff of inspirational books written by athletes or motivational speakers or celebrities who encountered a serious health concern. Only because he’s Trump is he treated this way. You can see that in this recent Fox retrospective of Democrats downplaying coronavirus early on. Their comments are not held against them now, but Trump’s still are. We all know why that is.


In his discussion of Trump’s celebratory hospital-release tweet, Wolf Blitzer made the message explicit: “Everyone should be afraid of COVID.”


First of all, this stance is factually questionable. Being afraid of COVID does not kill or retard it. Taking reasonable and prudent measures does. One does not need to be afraid to oppose coronavirus. In fact, excessive fear will cripple the critical thinking necessary for responding appropriately to this threat.


And that is the subtext at play here. The subtext is that if people simply follow their reason, and pay close attention to the objective facts about COVID-19, perhaps they would make different choices than when scared out of their minds about it. So we can’t have people prudent about COVID, or rational about COVID, or thoughtful, or courageous about COVID. That does not produce the social outcomes that these people want. Being scared of COVID does.


Fear seems to motivate different behaviors related to COVID than does information, facts, and rationality. If Americans were less afraid, then more schools would be open for more effective in-person instruction, for one thing.