The NBA finally achieved equality. They have the same ratings as the WNBA.
The NBA finally achieved equality. They have the same ratings as the WNBA.
Facebook admitting it is aligning with CCP.
militarized social movement. what if US Military organized the movement???
deepstate actual agenda. Breaking the family. no order in society. KAC and her dopey husband chasing careers and the result is this methfaced kid spouting shit on some app straight outta chinktown.
Trent Reznor sued DoD for playing his music nonstop for sleep depravation on Al Queezy in early 2000's
the view looking down at the beach and the pilot doing 360's back and forth……amazing
i think the "covid" activated POTUS's Dragon Energy!!! you think they picked a dragon as this logo accidentally?
KAC needs to go full Mommy Dearest on that kid. Get a blowtorch, heat a few wire hangers till the glow red and…