'Doing It My Wray' works as long as he's sitting on a ranch fence looking off into the sunset on the cover.
What did you idiots do once you figured out none of the code words worked anymore?
That's not even eBot, just a tripfag.
If it makes you feel any better, the real eBot will occasionally say something coherent if you trigger him. He's a real person, in control of a bot. If he sees something that he feels needs addressing, he'll pause whatever script he has going and address it. He's an anomaly here, unlike any other shill or character that's popped up over the years. He's one of the oldest that's stuck around and the one whose intentions are the most unclear.
This >>10959670 is the real eBot, and notice how he stopped posting once we started talking about him. He talks in a weird code that's pretty hard to genuinely replicate unless you've studied him closely, and even then it's hard to get right. Who he's talking to and why is a mystery to me though, it's like some number station-tier spy fuckery going on.
If there's one thing the world needs less of, it's spoiled rich kids from well connected families telling us how to live and what to think.