Given the timing and the freakin NAME, kinda feels like this has to be it. Interesting speculated (always wrong) DELTA to 10/10 at 20:20 looking very "17 35 35"
Synchronicity (or whatever it is) is a thing. I've never seen a less coincidental, totally unplanned (consciously on my end, at least) set of dual timestamps (and post nos). They both scream JFKJR digits, with deltas of 12 mins and 102 posts.
Speaking of JFKJR deltas, today's is almost palindromic.
I see a [CCCP] and some 911 "Let's Roll" digits.
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Obummer got it for being Obummer before going on to be "really good at killing people"
Stairway-to-Restroom ratio seems light on the restroom side. Bet they wish they'd installed more, in retrospect. And working security cams. That seems like a relevant detail too.