Anonymous ID: 328e3e April 18, 2018, 7:36 p.m. No.1096519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6561

(Previous breads)


>Was the pilot switched out of planted on plane to help handle the situation?

Use some common sense. why on earth would they let a comp'd plane fly and only swap out the pilot?




I LONG for the day when "investigated" actually means something…like "incarcerated". My entire life has been one long string of endless "investigations" that not a single person was ever incarcerated. Law for me but not for thee. SICK of this shit. Meanwhile thousands are serving time for having a plant. FUCK these people.



HOLY SHIT that woman is brave…going amongst the wolves. Hope she's got a food taster and wears her kevlar….or something. I can imagine the headlines "rogue backhoe accidentally runs down FLOTUS"….


PROTECT her, she's a national treasure. (not saying you are't but JAYSUS she's going into the lion's den.


>"Military guys" wouldn't Larp


HAHAHA not only are the trained to LARP they go into the field and practice LARP, NWC teaches a class in stand alone and hive, and they are completely mystified by half. Perhaps Q coming here was more of a "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" sort of thing.