>>10963648 (lb) Am aware of all these facts. Where this anon is coming from, and those like me, is this: prostitution may be the world's oldest profession, and it may be widely accepted by many across the planet, but it is immoral. It is wrong to sell one's precious body for money, and wrong to buy that precious body for money. Christ specifically named pimps (whoremongers) as being destined for The Pit. Prostitutes though, are not "necessarily" condemned; Christ washed one's feet. Neither are sex customers specifically condemned, but they are risking everything, because fornication is condemned. In any event, the entire institution of prostitution is as far from spirituality as one can get, regardless of which role one plays. It is a full succumbing to the flesh, while turning one's back on the great light.
Those who sell their bodies may have no choice if they are to remain living…it may be the only avenue open to them. But those who create the space, the possibility, for them to do so, are guilty of a great sin. At the same time, many so-called sex workers had no choice whatsoever, being literally forced into it. Applying this to young victims (let's subsume the age of consent discrepancies in that category), is especially evil. The stealing of their youth, and the ruining/defilement of those whose true purpose (among others) is to marry and procreate. Prostitution destroys the mind & spirit, besides the body (we know that victims have a very low life expectancy). That youth & perceived relative purity, are the very reasons that customers desire them, and pay to degrade/defile themselves.