Q LLC, Patriots, under attack. All deep state assets have been deployed.
The Deep State is gearing up to confiscate firearms and imprison voters without congressional oversight.
They are changing legal descriptions of items based on RULINGS and POLICIES through the ATF.
Making voters INSTANT FELONS so they can disfranchise them. (deny them their right to vote)
Q, and Q+
We The People, respectfully implore you to repeal, and/or make null and void ALL firearms laws, back to, and including,
NFA 34 and beyond, to restore the founding principals our nation was originally founded on.
This needs to be accomplished BEFORE the election!
What is happening in this day and age is EXACTLY,
the type of take over our Founding Fathers feared, when they wrote the original documents.
ANY law, written or proposed, ANY ruling or procedure, in violation of the Constitution and the original 10 amendments.
Is repugnant to the Constitution, and SHALL NOT STAND.
We need to have this conversation, NOW !!!
The ATF and the Deep State are about to create a nation of felons.
Just by dropping PDF's on their website.
Q and Q+, you have done great work on reforming the other three letter agencies.
We thank you for all you have done thus far.
You have staved off Patriots making the hard decisions.
Decisions that, no doubt, would be detrimental to our families, our fortunes, and our souls.
But by neglecting this three letter agency, you are setting up Patriots to fail.
The decisions about bump stocks, set precedent to allow the events that are unfolding today.
Q and Q+, we understand the general public were not ready to understand the horrors that was Las Vegas.
But gentleman, We The People are stronger than we were then. If we need to hear about agents from foreign countries
shooting up our cities. This is the best time in history for us to be trusted with this information.
We The People, no longer wish to be shielded from the truth, in exchange for losing our freedoms.
Below i have listed the information, and Anons will see the "coincidence" involved in the situation I write about today.
If this is part of the plan. Let me be the catalyst to set the ball rolling.
For if this assault on our freedoms continues, I foresee grave days ahead.
Listed below is the URL for the article. ( Plus the archived pages as REQUIRED by Q in the past. )
Also a u-tube video of an explanation of what has transpired. And possible future outcomes.
It is only a link. If some kind Anon could please embed the video, we would all appreciate it.
I have no connection to anyone involved in the above situations.
I am only a Patriot, who can look around the corner and see what awaits the rest of us.
If Q and Q+ do not act now…. This is not something we can do ourselves, we request the shackles be removed.
Please re-post this as much a possible.
Any attempt to bury this information, illuminates your true intentions.