No one I know is waking up. Tweeting shit from fox, the daily caller, and shit like townhall gop redstate isnt going to get through to these people. I've been on the front lines of this shit for years and most people I know in CA still outright reject and dont even know ANY REAL details of fucking pizzagate.
inb4 summer soldier and ur a faggot. Anyone just getting here now is a summer soldier. Winter was the last 4-5 years in CA. Reinforcements are here. you fat boomer fucks can carry the torch for now. I have a family depending on me for money and this shit– I'm not going to go get beaten and then arrested at some gay fucking protest, I'm not going to antagonize my family when they are STILL watching the daily show and reading huff post after all this time, I'm not going to sacrifice my job when someone runs a check on who my political donations were to, and Im not going to waste all day everyday watching "happenings" that DONT DO SHIT
Trump will win, obviously. Whether or not it means fucking anything is completely out of my control.
Keep up your end of the bargain and wake these people up. The next few weeks determine if I give half a shit about any of this. I love President Trump, but I have to love myself too. When he said "don't let this dominate your life" he was talking directly to me, the guy who has been carrying this torch for years DEEP in enemy territory. I've got a kid on the way and people depend on me and this shit aint payin my bills.
Inb4 cuck faggot whatever, you are a fat boomer larper living on disability in a low cost of living area. Get a fucking job. Some of us had our entire families brainwashed and our land raped and have our money stolen every paycheck to fund the most evil communist brainwashing abortion nigger gibs BULLSHIT. I pay 1000 dollars every TWO FUCKING weeks in taxes. I BETTER GET MY FUCKING MONEYS WORTH SOON YOU FUCKS.