cant say thanks enough baker
been a crazy week, and its only wednesday
ask yourself, what COP has a $100K to spend on bail?
who is backing/funding/orchestrating this?
they think you are stupid.
i bet you won't bet your left pinky on that claim…
how bout this… if you are correct, I will send you 10 thousand dollars…
if you are wrong, I expect a video of you cutting off that left pinky be posted to 4ch within 24hrs after the election results.
thats what i thought.
if the bail is 1 million, usually you have to pay atleast 10 percent, then literally put down your HOME and PROPERTY on the line saying you will be there for court..>
so we are lookin' at 100 thousand dollars.
but yeh, you right, he aint got it.
yeah man, i learned it on a much smaller scale…
(7000 dollar bail says i need 700 or i gotta stay in open population til someone in my family can pay it, type situations…)
but yeah, pretty sure its like that in all of USA, not just GA.