Division shills abound, just trying to keep division going and sow mistrust.
Comms bakers spent hours and hours tending to the notables and keeping breads baked. Gving up sleep to keep anons going. Division shills such as yourslef and the OSS persona came in to screw things up beacuse the previous incarnations of "bakers are comped, bakers are IRGC, bakers are CCP, bakers union waaah waah" didn't work. So the OSS showed up and created a problem that did not before exist. Now shills like yourself are trying to keep mistrust going for the new eyes that have come here. The whole "bakers think they're better" is a sham caused by the OSS persona. "Bakers would not hand off to anons" is a bitching because when shills got to bake muh joo and other trash started getting in the notables. So bakers went to use the bins to confirm each other. Anons had been with bakers for years, knew they would spend hours at a time baking and note taking.
There is no /comms baker fuckery as you claim, it is all shill disruption and you know it