Boomers refuse to stand down
Technically both are War babies, but a handful of years makes little difference. Both Pelosi and Behar are far closer to Boomer Gen than the Greatest Generation that survived the Great Depression and fought in WWII. My comment stands: Boomers refuse to stand down and retire gracefully from the scene, especially from politics.
>But wasn't the email scandal just a distraction from Benghazi and The Clinton Foundation?
That’s essentially how it played out. Operating email accounts outside the auspices of Federal Government technology was not unprecedented when Clinton did it. The question seldom if ever addressed by the media is: why would top government officials want to place their email traffic outside the public record? A candid investigation of the answer to that question would start to reveal the real story, which no one in the establishment wants to be revealed to the public. HRC’s handling of classified information was a limited hangout, carefully stage managed to appear as a storm in a tea cup.
>they were far brighter than in previous generations
I generally agree with your statement, but I’m not sure that “far brighter” would be fair. The way intelligent people have directed their intelligence has certainly changed, which manifests ability in different, and technologically unprecedented, arenas. But I never cease to be astonished at the work rate and genius of both the ancients and intellectuals of the 17th-19th centuries - all exercised with little to no technological assistance. We currently lack, for example, the enduring philosophical wisdom of prior eras. A civilization is most appropriately judged by the deposit of accomplishment and culture (in its broadest sense) that one generation leaves to the next for the general well-being of humanity. Assessed on those terms, we are not looking much like A team players in human history, although the rot began to set in during the 20th century.
If and only if the forces of obstruction of human ingenuity and containment are removed. Tesla experienced this to an enormous degree and little has changed since his time.