>don't particpate in the baaker faker truff battles and do not engage the fallen jell-head
Ok, whatever that means.
>don't particpate in the baaker faker truff battles and do not engage the fallen jell-head
Ok, whatever that means.
>if you don't understand the message, then clearly it's not for you
You understand where you are?
Whatever you type, is for everybody.
>a jell head would be someone with jelly in their head.
OK Instagramnigger.
I just put Pepe in a painting.
I don't think too much about it.
Just me 'em and post 'em.
Where's your memes nigger?
>lighten up.
I'm chilled, anon.
>a jell is ref to an jel or anjel who is (IN) the bread.
>Were the comms bakers getting kickbacks from the aggregators?
I don't know.
We.are.the.news can go fuck itself though
>Acting like children
Cheeky cunt.