Anonymous ID: b0c02f GAMEOVAH Oct. 7, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.10966998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7027 >>7083



Doesntmean she’s wrong…


Its too late Qtards, the corruption is so bad that not even Qew canovercome it. Trump shoulda ran 24 years ago…

They control the media, the congress, all intel agencies, the clergy, and 100% of social media. All we have control of are guns but we are too pussified and fat to use them


Game set match

Anonymous ID: b0c02f Oct. 7, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.10967220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Qew, what would you say to your son who as a Marine (MARSOC) went to Afghanistan to “protect” our way of life <jackoff.jpgOnly to find he was there to assist in opium production and to secure mineral rights for the CCP, while also protecting a filthy culture that thinksits OK to rape little boys? Have you read the [Q]uran?? Youve heard the part about the 72 virgins, but did you read about the 72 little boys (“boys are for pleasure, girls are for reproduction)


Becauseyou fucks wouldnt allow the job to be done, he’s permenantly scarred and he carries his M4 24-7 because thats the ONLY thing left that makes him feel safe.


The us military continuesto assist CIA drug AND SEX trafficking and theBAND PLAYS ON…