What is this, Eastern Orthodox? Anybody know? Because that is just asking for shaken baby syndrome. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I'm just anonymous to be polite. I don't actually have anything to lose, and you can't be blackmailed if you have nothing to lose and everybody already knows you're a creep.
looks like he almost bangs the kids legs on that metal bowel. Stupid shit.
I'm just going to stop responding to the MUH-JOOOOOZ shills personally and just ask that they all show us on the doll where the Jews touched them. Their dad touched their butthole. That's why their on your penny!
Eat bacon and cry more, fags, patriots know no boundaries.
Sounds like you're a fucking loser. How is your life a downward spiral during the best economy ever. You lost jobs. YEAH, THERE'S YOUR PROBLEM RIGHT THERE. Clean your room faggot, the universe is depending on it.
So you have agoraphobia and this is Q's fault or something. Y'all motherfuckers are just losers. You'd fail in heaven
Hey buddy. You still doin' handy's under the overpass for $15 a pop? Life's been tough since Michael kicked your ass out of heaven, hunh? No eye in the sky. Aww, wub wubs.
Hey, somebody tell me the syntax to embed Yotube real quick if it's not to much trouble
The splodey Kingsmen capsule in her neck would susplode? Seriously, I'm beginning to think these people have kill switches, the way they never break character.