What's it gonna take for the Libs to realize
their beloved idols are evil satanic creeps?
What's it gonna take?
What's it gonna take for the Libs to realize
their beloved idols are evil satanic creeps?
What's it gonna take?
Q's every choice of words is deliberate.
Sometimes they are coded, sometimes not.
Sometimes clues to look for other things unsaid, sometimes comms to insiders.
Sometimes comms to enemies to put them in fear and make them do something stupid.
There is never a time that I don't examine Q's exact words, punctuation, sentence formation, for possible multiple (>1) meanings.
Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 03 Mar 2018 23:18:43 85cc02 No.544247
Where we go one, we go ALL.
Misspellings matter.
Sentence formation matters.
You did download a local copy when you had the chance?
You do know how to access the spreadsheet and download that?
You are aware of the text version of the crumbs, that you can download and peruse locally?
Read the first few posts of the bread to find these resources that anons provided for you.