SAM848 USAF G5 departed MacDill AFB after a ground stop and returning back to JBA
RECHA612 USAF C-130J Hercules departed Comayaguay, Honduras after a groud stop ne-origin of Charleston Int'l, SC
>>10970430, >>10970432, >>10970470, >>10970518, >>10970519, >>10970545, >>10970643 Regeneron Digs
Regeneron Pres/CEO sold $85.90m- May 11, 2020
Was not the only one
One year total
Total of $12,400,812,486 is sales vs $0 buys
sure but trying to figure that all out is a frickin mess
I don't have the time to do all that
> Um, that's federale time.
So many examples of that in the last 4-6 years-farther back really
about the same amount of time doing it too muh fren
Always a train 'o mystery