How to save the normie Jews when people learn what they have been doing to us all?
Give us cures we dont even know we are getting. Then tell the truth on the intentional culling of the goy?
How to save the normie Jews when people learn what they have been doing to us all?
Give us cures we dont even know we are getting. Then tell the truth on the intentional culling of the goy?
I think it cures more than covid. Something very sneaky is going on now.
Something sneaky is going on. I think this stuff is some part of the cures of the poison the Jews were putting in every human they could.
Would not expect truth on the fuckery of big pharma until they have cured most people. To avoid a major panic and knee jerk desire to get even for all of grandpa's pain as he lingered with cancer for six months while Jews snickered in their shekels.
Are we just threatening declass to force the Jews into giving us the cures?
Great question. Everything about this screams Something way more important is happening than some feel better drug for covid.
Tom clancy was being fed real insider information.