I love how Q posted in a fucked up numbered bread.
perhaps, however, I am well versed in the 'changes' that occur in fucked up numbered breads, having been fucked with before but in a 'haha' way by 'anons'
still worth noting on here because some of us have retention levels far exceeding others…one of the reasons many of us were called into this.
magik doesn't work on this anon…never fucking did in the first place….but it is always a good thing to give stupid people hope.
if he is up to it, i am down with 8 more, NOT 4…he didn't get his first 4….FUCK THE RULES!
If I was in need desperately, Nancy's ice cream would NOT be safe, nor would anything else that sleazy bitch has. THEY were warned a long time ago about fucking with people like me.
wanna bet there are humans walking this earth holding no susceptibility whatsoever to manmade viral attack? Wanna bet THEY hold the cure?
swing from the trees….only way you will catch a girl…then you go bye bye for rape.
true…BUT, that requires tactical maneuvering AND a launch
Don't forget…that movie had two commanders in power..
this one has three
kek…actually told my gf if there is no tp, hop your ass in the shower after you shit…these dumb cunts didn't buy all the fucking water and soap.
retarded fucking people.
you'll need something to drink with that…how about 'defection'…the prime reasoning behind the incidents in said movie to begin with. 'Defection' for a reason.
Some simply don't wish to see the world burn.
NO ONE fears your cartel bullshit anymore…just saying
maybe not for those who simply don't know what fucking tradition is. This is deaf pollock anon telling you this moron.
bottom line…when it comes down to it, we will know exactly who is too far gone to be worthwhile of attempting to show truth to and expect logical results.
When you test for cancer, you test for antibodies specific to cancerous invasion.
your body continues to produce said antibodies after invasion is thwarted.
If you believe the bullshit vaccine propeganda that is.