Sullivan colluded with Mueller to jam up General Flynn, at a minimum.
Especially when the first time was a false alarm, and there had to be a second.
They're congratulating her for being tyrannical.
This image gave me AIDS
While you bend the knee to the antichrist's false prophet, I'll be at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.
Good luck with that hardcore pagan stuff tho.
Seems super serial.
The fact that there may be a manufactured forgery linked to this twitter user re Seth Rich does not mean that there is not an actual, valid connection between Seth Rich and the DNC "hacking".
It's a cover story.
A strawman.
That's been the discussion since the 40's Anon.
tx fren
Thinking they attached the lobe to his head to hide the scar where they implanted some sort of comm device.
Yes, but a good one!
Kinda funny people taking their marching orders from the devil think we're too stupid to understand this huge promise the devil is making to them.