ID: 67a4a8 Oct. 7, 2020, 6 p.m. No.10972956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

don't need bakers

elect a bun every few threads


anyone can flip thread

not many willing to wrestle hogs in shit

or a demon in his lies

anonymous insecure networks can't support advanced civilization.

because civilization rests on identity

it is what allows us to trust, to form communities and engage in commerce.

Without permanent lifetime identity those things can't exist.


The anonymous network allows the most ruthless and sophisticated criminals access to an entire population and the computational structure which support.


This is hard to explain to We the People, who see more immediate problems than identity on comms networks, but in fact, identity on network is what underlies it all.


If MI can't clear shills it's because they don't want to. Shills provide primary training for our trickle of volunteer newfags and anyone who doubts the existence of demons can verify their reality right here.


And if we've suffered too much cognitive damage to recognize the problem and cure it, then we are destined to be wards of the state, be it benignant or evil.


We need to build the communications network of the future. It has to deliver information securely to every user. Like any utility it must be owned by its users, We the People, and every user must have elective anonymity and a single, permanent lifetime identity on the network. This must be an international effort, for the communications network of the future serves every citizen of every nation in this world. The US can lead this program, and Russia will join. President Putin has already called for an international program spearheaded by US and RU.


We don't just have shills here in QE. They fill comment section and stuff forum and rig polls all over the net. They own all the publications, the news and entertainment networks and the big tech companies.


The internet was engineered by the IC as a social control system, able to deniably distribute narcotic, child pornography, sell weapons, plant evidence, transfer assets covertly.


POTUS should take president Putin up on his suggestion and we should build the information system that will protect our rights while it delivers us the future we will deserve.


In order to be secure for all a network must be secure from all.