Anonymous ID: d4be09 Oct. 7, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.10973443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is your logic, Q, since you love logic so goddamn much= you can’t deliver, but we’re supposed to “Trust the Plan” that you can’t deliver on. You say no one is above another in this movement, then you post about POTUS on the regular & try to make him out to be some kinda fkin martyr; like we’re all not sacrificing here & haven’t been since way before he got in the game. Am I supposed to be impressed? You’ll have to forgive me for not feeling like POTUS sacrificed when he’s been contributing to this madness as a billionaire businessman & literally hanging out with these scumbags & funding them, regularly.


Then, on top of all that, you constantly talk about Obama/HRC, but leave out the last few Republican presidents/tyrants= 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc, as if they’re good ppl who didn’t help destroy the World. You laud Reagan like he’s some kinda goddamn saint, when we all know he was piece of shit who was just as corrupt & shitty as the rest of them. You also want us to have blind allegiance to a president, President Trump, who tells us he’s “in control”, but it’ll all be better… once he’s reelected of course= aka he can’t deliver now, but he’ll deliver then. Do you even know how the Executive Branch works? He had the full House, Senate, & Executive Branch & a Conservative dominated SCOTUS & he still couldn’t get the Wall built or the Swamp drained. Instead, he blamed Democrats for everything & pointed fingers the whole time & now he won’t drop the hammer. He’s banking everything on an election that he might lose. But vote for him & he’ll make it all better.


Do you think we’re stupid, Q? I mean, seriously, do you? Just tell us to fuck off already, because all you guys are doing at this point is stroking your sick egos on 8Kun. You’re literally letting us suffer for political gain. You claim you’re “in control” which literally means you’re letting us suffer on purpose. Why the fuck would I waste me time giving you shitbags anything, but especially my vote? You’ve ruined the World. Look at where we are! But vote for Trump, right? It’ll all be better. You guys are fkin sick!


Soon, right, Q? Let me hear your great excuse. I know you’ve got one. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR EXCUSES! “You’re fired!”