Anonymous ID: 67de4b Oct. 7, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.10974049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4134 >>4144

combat tactics = potus deliberately getting infrcted by covid to release the cures?


Why does q keep mentioning "the hunt for red October" and the "combat tactics" scene? Is it because Trump literally accelerated into the torpedo in order to destroy it just as the Russian captain did in the movie?


Could it be that the comms regarding the plan to infect Potus were intercepted, yet it was decided that for potus to infect himself so it will be served as a leverage to release the cures? Why were they so confident that potus won't risk his life? Cause they knew what type of treatment works for such cases.


Think about it, Q mentioned both verbatim and via a meme that trump is taking real slings and arrows for We the people…