Fuck this shit. Waste of time.
FonzieQ is a LARP or powerless to really do anything.
Spending the next few weeks stockpiling.
Ammo, Food, Water, Ammo, Fuel, Medicine, Ammo, etc.
We'll see what happens next!
Fuck this shit. Waste of time.
FonzieQ is a LARP or powerless to really do anything.
Spending the next few weeks stockpiling.
Ammo, Food, Water, Ammo, Fuel, Medicine, Ammo, etc.
We'll see what happens next!
Still hopeful but I'm voting for Don Blankenship at this point.
There are 2 Dons running for POTUS this year.
Vote for the better Don.
Don Blankenship 2020
He may be the reason Trump loses North Carolina.
Whole lotta conservatives pissed at Trump down here.
I can't in good conscience vote for Trump at this point.
No way in hell I vote for Biden, so Blankenship it is.
2ndA, no arrests, pandering to every minority, not doing enough to end bullshit pandemic tyranny, Insurrection Act, etc.
I could go on but I'm just a nowfag concernfag shillbot!
See the anger when you don't toe the Trump/Q line 100%.
Say hello to Pres. Biden.
Fuck it. War is cool with me.
I don't expect to survive.
Nothing to lose.
Going out on my feet though.