No Shill
Frustrated American
Piss off!
An original though…
How about I bend you over and shove my 45 up your ass then pull the trigger
Would that stimulate an original thought?
Welcome to stupidity then - you be doing the same thing, so what makes you any smarter than me?
No Shill - been here foreva and getting tired of shitheads like you who got nothing to say but bullshit!
Yup - edumacated - you got nothing broheim
You have been outed by the best of the best!
Just remember that when they dig your grave wussie!
AOL? what's that? Kinda like dialup or DSL?
Little boy, you got a long way to go to be a real man…
OK - we have devolved into insult wars.
So juvenile…
Peace be with you brother. May the door of hell not hit you in the ass as you pass through…